Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Louis Habash: A life of trips, not traps

Louis Habash is a realist,” as I often tell people. I’ve almost spent half of my adult life in the road writing about the world, but I never bore illusion that what surrounded me at various moments of my journeys were pure ugly or beautiful.

Louis Habash Image Credit: Autismafter16.com

Life could be a trap or a trip, and what falls on our lap at the end depends on how tight and often we’re willing to wear travel boots and write our life in the road. Just as what American novelist and poet Jack Kerouac once said: “Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” I could tell you, Louis Habash here has learned that the hard way. Indeed, life is a long journey I’ve learned to anticipate every waking hour either on my desk or in my car.

Louis Habash Image Credit: Roomguide.co.uk

If there’s anything I learned as a travel writer, it’s the fact that my job come in ebbs and flows—no dry run, yet no dry spells either. So I keep hitting the road and exploring life. In many ways, realism has taught me to accept some things as they are while taking others with a grain of salt. This is my journey.

Louis Habash Image Credit: Quickenloans.com

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